The Tarot have so many levels of meaning and interpretation but one that many people tend to ignore is that of numerology. As I spoke about in my earlier post, each suit has an element it represents and that element gives the cards within that suit a meaning. With Four court cards and ten Pips (these are the cards that in traditional card decks have numbers on them e.g. 7 of diamonds), the cards within a suit are derived even further meaning from the number their card represents.
In numerology, the basic first 10 numbers are very important and all have a specific meaning. Each numerology meaning is added to the corresponding card. For example, the number One in numerology represents the new beginnings, potential, and inspiration. It represents that something is about to begin or that the time is right. In the Tarot, the Aces represent the pure form of their suit, the pure potential energy and driving force of the element their suit represents. So, when you add the number One (Ace) to any suit, it gives the card the original meaning of the element associated with it + the meaning of the number on it. For example, the Ace of Swords: It has the meaning of the suit of swords (logic, intellect, decision, power, and change) PLUS the meaning of the Ace (or one). The Ace of Swords, therefore, represents pure raw mental energy, that the energy of logic and intellect is on your side in the situation, and that there will be a sort of clarity to the new situation.
Here is what numbers 2 - 10 represent:
2: Duality, Both sides of the coin, Balance, Partnership, or some sort of decision or crossroads. Can also represent a union or reunion.
3: Some form of Goal Achievement, or Progress. Small celebration, Growth, Creativity, and Communion between friends or family.
4: This number represents Structure and Foundation in the same way that four legs on a table give the table foundation. Represents that you have applied proper planning and built a place for your desires and ambitions to grow. In a way, it is saying because what you have reaped, you will sow, but not necessarily yet.
5: Instability or some form of conflict. Could represent things not going as planned but this should only be looked at as a bump in the road. 5 Represents some form of change or something new entering the situation. Transition.
6: Represents adjusting to the plight of the five. You have found a new perspective or have changed your "plan of attack"/approach on the situation and you are back on the battlefield. Represents problem-solving and cooperation/proper communication. Balance restored in sense. Positive change of attitude or conditions.
7: This card is very much about reflecting on ourselves and what we need to do to attain our goals. It represents putting in some form of effort to achieve your goals, similar to the four but more introspective and observant. It is about having faith in what you cannot see as well as gaining understanding through experience. It represents wisdom, meditation, and discovery.
8: Movement, Change, Re-evaluation. The insight of the Seven gives new hope to a cause or towards your goals. Some form of recognition or accomplishment. This number represents being given the last little bit of energy to power through your goals and see it through. A positive and optimistic mindset.
9: Attainment, Final Stages, Achievement. This is the final step before seeing everything come full circle. It is evident that you are going to achieve your desires and goals, all you have to do is enjoy where your at and let the rest come. Can indicate having learned a life lesson and you now attain that wisdom. The pot of gold is mere feet away.
10: Completion. You have finally attained your goals and everything is harmonious. You feel as though you are fulfilled on every level. Can represent the end of a cycle or lesson in life. Endings that will soon again return to new beginnings. The 10 can be seen as a 1 but to a higher octave therefore magnifying the power of the Ace.
With this in mind, along with the symbolism, the meaning of the four elements, and the Fool's Journey of the Major Arcana, we can see that Tarot hold a great capacity for interpreting our life, where we stand, and where we're going.
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